2 definitions by Prof. Spock

Always waffling on about kicking the Brits out of Ireland. I have some startling news for you bog trotters, were still there!! By the way, have any of you noticed how poor you downtrodden cave dwellers are compared to your slightly less bestial neighbours to the North? Think about it (if you can). Ta ta slum monkeys!
Apes, Monkeys, Cro Mangon, Simian, Beasts, Irish
by Prof. Spock September 12, 2006
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A hammer. So called due to the difficulty faced when our dextrousley challenged chums, fancy a spot of D.I.Y
Hey fergus, chuck us that Irish Screwdriver, Im having a wee spot of bother with this nail!
by Prof. Spock September 12, 2006
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