1 definition by Pretty Zesty Mama

The most prettiest mama known around. She is very Zesty and cares about da boyz. Even though she's small, she can throw hands if you mess with her. She is very kind and caring. If you eff with her memes or her sleep, she will become very salty over you. She is a sexy beast and won't be stopped by no one. Juliet loves guys who are hot and have a great personality and is into athletic guys. She is very athletic, some of the sports she plays are soccer, hockey, and baseball. If you hurt one of her friends she will legit find you and your family. She is also thiccc af and all them boyz want her, but she is picky.
Wow, that girl is thiccc, she must be a Juliet.
by Pretty Zesty Mama April 24, 2017
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