5 definitions by PrersomnGtuy346789

A blatant clone of Super Why. This dude is the mascot of Protegent, an Antivirus that barely does anything.
Proto: I am Proto your security is my motto
by PrersomnGtuy346789 December 6, 2021
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Mascot of Capcom along with Ryu from Street Fighter. You play as a 10 year old programmed robot who must murder 8 (6 in the first game) robots who have been turned evil by a Doppelganger of Albert Einstein named Dr Wily. After both murdering and stealing their abilities, you go to Wily's castle and attempt to stop Wily for Peace, except he nearly escapes in all the games.
Mega Man is Badass
by PrersomnGtuy346789 December 8, 2021
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Guy: Bohne
Guy 2: Boner?
Guy: No I meant bean in German
by PrersomnGtuy346789 December 6, 2021
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The default word that appears before you type
Before I type my definition, the word Word appears
by PrersomnGtuy346789 December 7, 2021
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The main character of the infamous Hong Kong 97, who is a relative of Bruce Lee. He must wipe out 1.2 Billion Red Communists, and the head of Tong Shau Ping
Jackie Chin is so powerful, hes gonna wipe out the entire population of China
by PrersomnGtuy346789 December 6, 2021
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