7 definitions by Potatoesarebae222

Someone or something that is an idiot// also is worse than a dipshit, but not as bad as a douche bag
"OMG That guy is such as dioshit"
"I know right"
by Potatoesarebae222 September 24, 2016
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Someone or something that is an idiot// also is worse than a dipshit, but not as bad as a douche bag
"OMG That guy is such as dioshit"
"I know right"
by Potatoesarebae222 September 24, 2016
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Someone or something that is an idiot// also is worse than a dipshit, but not as bad as a douche bag
"OMG That guy is such as dioshit"
"I know right"
by Potatoesarebae222 September 24, 2016
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Someone or something that is an idiot// also is worse than a dipshit, but not as bad as a douche bag
"OMG That guy is such as dioshit"
"I know right"
by Potatoesarebae222 September 24, 2016
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Someone or something that is an idiot// also is worse than a dipshit, but not as bad as a douche bag
"OMG That guy is such as dioshit"
"I know right"
by Potatoesarebae222 September 24, 2016
Get the Dioshit mug.
Someone or something that is an idiot// also is worse than a dipshit, but not as bad as a douche bag
"OMG That guy is such as dioshit"
"I know right"
by Potatoesarebae222 September 24, 2016
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