4 definitions by Poppa Stuey

Code-word for a joint or a spliff, used to confuse and deceive non-smokers. Commonly used in parts of Ireland, France, Spain, Northern England, Australia and New Zealand. Alternative uses include: "Jizzy-Wizzy", "Jizzy-Wizzoint", "Izzy-Wizzy, let's get Jizzy" and (to the tune of Will Smith's "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It") "Getting Jizzy Wit It".
Gaz-Wak: "After the day I've had, I'm fuckin' bustin for a Jizzy-Wiz"

Poppa Stuey: "Word. I been gettin' jizzy wit it all day, so the dog ain't getting fed tonight"
by Poppa Stuey August 26, 2014
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Someone whom, despite not showing the mental and physical frailties of a ginger-haired person, shows their true colours when they forget to shave for a few days...
Hot girls chatting in a bar

"Did you speak to that guy already, he's so frickin' cute."
"Nah, I passed him on the way to the bar and noticed with the light shining on his face that he's a closet ginger"
"Ewww, disgusting. Bummer, cos he definitely looked like marriage material from over here"
by Poppa Stuey June 25, 2014
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Similar to "feeding the pony", it's the action involved when you're finger-banging some lucky 'gal...
guys chatting on the bus home, post-coital
"Soooo man, I saw you making out with that swamp donkey, I hope you bagged it before dunkin' it"
"You serious, I wouldn't touch THAT with my thang. Just resorted to using the soap dispenser on her instead, to deal with the awkwardness. She was a "two pumps, followed by a foamy blast" kinda dispenser"
by Poppa Stuey June 25, 2014
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The point during sex when, even after unsuccesfully attempting to "thumb in the softie", the dissatisfied "thumbee" consoles the "thumbeur" by hugging his softie in a sympathetic embrace.
Stuey: So... how did you get on with that slug last night? You didn't have to thumb in a softie again did ya?

Sam: The poor bitch didn't even get that. But she did fall asleep cuddling a softie, so at least she didn't go home empty-handed.
by Poppa Stuey December 12, 2011
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