1 definition by Pooperlamb

Daphne is a very polite and tough person when you first meet her. Once you get to know a Daphne you’ll learn that she is very loud, tough, and extremely stubborn. She can handle people with no problems but she also is very independent at the same time. She isn’t afraid of fighting dirty! Daphne can be a real double agent. She excels in every sport she tries. Loves animals and is a real good smooth talker. Daphne isn’t the warmest but can for sure act the part. Don’t worry she likes being colder than warm (I’m not just talkin about her heart(heat)) Daphne is definey the coolest! She also normally lives by the quotes “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”
Daphne you are so rad

Daphne winged it and no one knew the difference
by Pooperlamb January 2, 2021
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