3 definitions by Pookah5

A word coined by Dunkin' Donuts commercials to describe the lingo used by really expensive cafes. Most people have no idea how to pronounce the psuedo-European words used in these establishments to replace "small", "medium", and "large", and make them sound "classy" or "upscale". A combination of the words French and Italian.
"Is it French or is it Italian? Maybe it's Fretalian."
by Pookah5 January 23, 2007
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Slang for a black Syrian hamster. This term is often found in large chain pet stores where they will charge you double the price just for the name.
"I have a Black Bear hamster!" "No you don't, you have a black Syrian hamster, and you just scammed got out of twenty bucks."
by Pookah5 January 23, 2007
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When you get schooled by anything or anyone of Japanese background or culture.
"Dude, I was playing WoW last night and I got totally Japwn'd by some Japanese kid named Kenn."
by Pookah5 January 23, 2007
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