21 definitions by PonianYoutube

Where the tap tastes good,

Where pooping isnt awkward ,
Where are your joggers. Where are your joggers
Man: Home is where the water tastes good
Woman: Facts
by PonianYoutube August 6, 2020
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Someone who does one helpful thing and leaves.

Just like in Sailor Moon, when he throws his signature rose… and does nothing else.
Tuxedo mask: My work here is done
Sailor Moon: but you didn’t do anything

Tuxedo mask: *leaves*
by PonianYoutube September 27, 2021
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US Major General William Tecumseh Sherman. Known for his “March to the Sea” and burning of Atlanta during the American Civil War.

Described as search in the song “the fall of Charleston“
With a whack, rowdy-dow! A hunky boy is General Sherman!

Whack,rowdy-dow! Invincible is he!
by PonianYoutube May 12, 2021
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The zeppelin air raids and urban bombings of Britain during World War I. The name comes from the idea of it being a precursor to the Blitz in World War I, which also was a bombing of Britain.
Person one: my great grandfather served as a German pilot during World War I

Person two: did he take part in the pre-blitz?
Person one: no, he was a fighter pilot.
by PonianYoutube March 17, 2021
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A group of people who like anything having to do with the Union/North in the Civil War.
They like Lincoln, Grant and Sherman most of all, particularly Sherman’s “March to the Sea”.
They love the song Union Dixie and sing it loud, scaring racists and Rebels alike
Man: I think Robert E Lee was a pretty good gener-
by PonianYoutube September 7, 2021
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A person who believes in the “Lost Cause” myth of the American Civil War, A myth stating that the south didn’t fight for slavery.

A large majority of neo confederates are lost causers.
History teacher: name one of the things that the Civil War was mainly fought over
Student A:slavery

Student b, a lost causer: no it wasn’t: that’s a lie! It was fought over taxes and the north wanted to pillage the south so the sales for back!
by PonianYoutube August 6, 2021
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A tailor spying on the British government. He takes their measurements, information and then he smuggles it. To his brother's revolutionary covenant he’s running with the Sons of Liberty and he is loving it. See, that's what happens when you up against the ruffians. If you in the shit now, somebody gotta shovel it. Hercules Mulligan, he needs no introduction
When you knock him down he gets the fuck back up again.
Who was a spy during the American Revolutionary War?

Answer: Hercules Mulligan
by PonianYoutube December 21, 2020
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