7 definitions by Politics [Moribund Institute]

are advocates who advocate against foisting one to make a choice or decision against their will
Statists foisted a nolitionary experience of eating nattō onto agorist who happened to live within their borders; because there was a surplus of nattō because the government-subsidized nattō & there wasn’t enough demand for nattō despite the subsidizes. To eschew, the nattō from going bad -- the government decided to force its citizenry (and those who happened to live within their borders) to eat the surplus of nattō. The government made those they didn’t like to eat more nattō.

After months & months of the government forcing people to eat nattō against their will the anti-nolitionary advocates rose up to get rid of the government via a peaceful singing-revolution.
by Politics [Moribund Institute] November 11, 2020
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a person who compiles political dictionaries
Damn that irksome partisan political lexicographer! They're a phony neutral ; defining their terms in a way that's obviously tendentious.
by Politics [Moribund Institute] November 11, 2020
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A believer in a political doctrine that emphasizes individual liberty and a lack of governmental regulation, intervention, and oversight both in matters of the economy whilst being an advocate of democratic politics.
The libertarian-democrat advocated for universal healthcare via voluntary means. They believed healthcare shouldn't be regulated by the government. They also suggested that government should fundraise to underwrite healthcare plans for those who couldn't afford them in the interim as prices of healthcare plans dropped (thanks to competition) & the diversity of options (thanks to the paucity of support from the government of the medical-industrial complex and thanks to competition) increased.
by Politics [Moribund Institute] November 27, 2020
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A believer in a political doctrine that emphasizes individual liberty and a lack of governmental regulation, intervention, and oversight both in matters of the economy whilst being an advocate of democratic politics.
The libertarian-democrat advocated for universal healthcare via voluntary means. They believed healthcare shouldn't be regulated by the government. They also suggested that government should fundraise to underwrite healthcare plans for those who couldn't afford them in the interim as prices of healthcare plans dropped (thanks to competition) & the diversity of options (thanks to the paucity of support from the government of the medical-industrial complex and thanks to competition) increased.
by Politics [Moribund Institute] November 27, 2020
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A believer in a political doctrine that emphasizes individual liberty and a lack of governmental regulation, intervention, and oversight both in matters of the economy whilst being an advocate of democratic politics.
The libertarian-democrat advocated for universal healthcare via voluntary means. They believed healthcare shouldn't be regulated by the government. They also suggested that government should fundraise to underwrite healthcare plans for those who couldn't afford them in the interim as prices of healthcare plans dropped (thanks to competition) & the diversity of options (thanks to the paucity of support from the government of the medical-industrial complex and thanks to competition) increased.
by Politics [Moribund Institute] November 27, 2020
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The act of making a choice or decision against your will
His mum foisted a nolitionary experience of eating nattō under duress.
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... posits that many of the putative unchangeable characteristics, such as race or gender,will become irrefutably protean in the future given we reach the point where it's technologically possible to do things like switch genders or race more easily & or in a (more) irrefutable manner. Supposed unchangeable characteristics would become patently changeable & analogous to the clothes one chooses to wear or the colour of hair one chooses to have.
Jolyne: Methinks Radical Fluid Identity Theory is a good idea. It'll prolly get people in the mindset of wanting to try all the stuffs. All the genders, all the races, all the characteristics, all the life, do everything, shag everything, everybody love everybody bruh.

June: Yo dude it gets me hype. I cannot wait for the future.

Reaves: Yo I remember the future
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