2 definitions by Pointofcontact

When an individual makes an attempt to hipe up there linguistic intelligence around others to camouflage the fact that they haven't a breeze what there talking about.
Also when an attempt is made to point out the blatantly obvious. Like a jackass highlighting a paragraph right in front of the person reading it.
Reference the hole in your trousers..
Reference your late back break time..
Reference, reference..
Reference the fire exit is for emergency use..
by Pointofcontact September 19, 2016
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A Dublin term, links the architecture of Ballymun to the presence of being a Dub.

Often used as a chant to signify there's a Dublin presence.
A few rules pertain to its use.
1: You must be obnoxious, intoxicated or off your face.
2: You must scream like a baboon being raped.
3: You must be willing to use at any time in any location.
Up da flats..
by Pointofcontact September 19, 2016
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