1 definition by Pleasestopsingingitsawfull

Meowbahh is a PNG Minecraft TikTokker, her inspiration is JellyBeans. She has said the R-slur in a video and in her ' apology ' she said " I'm so sorry for offending the disabled fandom. " FANDOM. She was also eating food during her ' apology '. In her, now banned, Discord server, she said the n-word f-slur and said she'll force naughty people.

She's also most likely not Japanese, and even so, she's using the ' uwu kawaii adorable highpitched voice school girl uwu ' stereotype of Japanese school girls as her brand, which is highly inappropriate. She's most likely culturally appropriating.
Person one: Hey, have you heard of Meowbahh?
Person two: Oh... that ' Magical girl doll ' PNGtuber who says slurs on a daily basis?
Person one: Yes, that one.

Everyone: We fucking hate her.
by Pleasestopsingingitsawfull March 20, 2022
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