3 definitions by Plan-z

When your emotions are on a rollercoaster due to all of the news each day about the Corona virus.
"I wake up and I'm in a good mood, then I watch the news and I start crying."

"Wow, you're on a Coronacoaster!"
by Plan-z April 8, 2020
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Stands for: Waste Of Our Time.

Often used before work meetings to feign excitement for a really boring meeting.
"The weekly staff meeting is about to start."

"Oh great! This is going to be a

by Plan-z April 9, 2020
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When all of the days blend together because you are stuck inside due to a worldwide pandemic.
"Happy hump day!"
"Dude, today's Thursday!"

"Aww man, I don't know what day it is! I'm on Quarantime!"
by Plan-z April 8, 2020
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