4 definitions by Pixelcraftian

A thing which happens when a person goes insane from other people.
"I just.. went through a Desmond Effect, that's all."
by Pixelcraftian October 30, 2018
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The Game that never dies, you play once and you're hooked in immediately. Like it's some type of virtual drug. It's unescapable as it's on literally everything.
Person 1: Hey, want to play some Minecraft?
Person 2: I've never played that game but I've seen it a lot.
Person 1: You should tOTALLY PLAY IT
Person 2: Ok, it says it's only $20. I'll get it.
- Person 3 arrives
Person 3: Don't play Minecraft! You'll get addicted!!
Person 2: And what game do you play?
Person 3: Fortnite.
- Person 3 proceeds to get beaten to death
by Pixelcraftian October 5, 2019
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Me: Fortnite is just a MC Hunger Games ripoff
Me: You know the release date? Get out my life.
by Pixelcraftian March 21, 2018
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