5 definitions by Phunkie

the best band in the world. they combine all sorts of emotions and genres that create an amazing sound with amazing meaning behind every word. every one of their albums seem to have a different genre, but that just shows how talented they are. they don't stick to just one genre, they explore all genres, which is very difficult to pull off, but they successfully do it. their lyrics aren't just aimed toward "angsty teens". they're aimed toward everyone experiences the things they sing about. they have heart and soul and depth in their lyrics, something the rest of today's music lacks.
Linkin Park is life. The end.
by Phunkie July 27, 2011
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an act that is so much of a win, it deserves a name better than just "win".
Person A: I just named my kid Awesome Cool.
Person B: Epicism!
by Phunkie July 30, 2011
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usually said when something bad or unpleasant occurs and the person is around people who would be offended if another "F" word were to come from the person's mouth.
Teacher: You failed this class.
Student: Fudge Crackers!
by Phunkie July 30, 2011
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possibly the BEST thing ever invented. it's a way to connect with people and make amazing friends that will last forever. it's hard work, but it really pays off. marching band is a second family.
A: Hey, you wanna hang out tonight?
B: Only if by "hanging out" you mean going to marching band practice.
by Phunkie July 27, 2011
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hugs not drugs, happy not crappy, serene not mean, smile not bile, help not yelp, more dance not war stance, soul not scold, kiss not fist, grin not sin, fuse not lose, mate not hate
by Phunkie July 30, 2011
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