2 definitions by PhosphoRex

Someone who sucks on MCU and Disney's 🐓, they don't have a particular taste in movies nor do they read comics, they only accept what has Disney's logo on it.
Female MCUtards are the ones who have nothing to do with Marvel, they just lust on Tom Holland and think they are a Marvel fan.
A : Did you see Suliaman used to be a DC fan and now he turned his page into a DC and MCU page despite not knowing about Marvel just for likes.....
B : Oh shit! He must be one of those MCUtards
by PhosphoRex October 27, 2019
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BvS , Batman Vs Superman is the movie where the director tried to show complexity , symbolism and deepness , but due to low to no IQ some people cry saying it's a bad movie, especially the MCUtards and the so called neutral DC+MCU fans cry about it because they don't understand BvS nor do they understand any other movie than MCU movie, BvS was a perfect DC movie , but ever since MCU came into picture, MCU ruined people's taste in movies due to which people say BvS was bad, Critics were paid to bash the movie due to which it affected a little on it's box office, yet it made over $800million and BvS is the movie which perfectly represents Batman and Superman.
A: Oh boy! Batman Vs. Superman : Dawn of Justice (BvS) is a great movie.
B: that's the worst movie, it ruined Batman and Superman.
A: oh and what's your favourite movie?
B: Endgame...
A: ah! I expected it, you MCUtards have no taste in movie and y'all shit on everything that isn't made by Disney! So GTFO.
by PhosphoRex October 28, 2019
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