2 definitions by Phonkadelic

1. The creative essence inside of people. Just waiting to be manifested through your own actions.
2. A mix between hip hop and psychedelic rock & roll.
1. "Hey man, just keep on feeling that Phonk & it'll take care of you."
2. "The Phonk goes where I go. It feels what I feel, & I feel it too. "
3. "Feel the Phonk".
by Phonkadelic March 12, 2017
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A shralper is a skateboarding term for a person that is just ripping it up, getting gnarly, & pushing it to the limit wherever they go with their board. They don't necessarily have to be the most technical skater out there, practicing the same trick for hours on end, or they can be, but a shralper will find a way to get gnarly & skate through the circumstances. A true, skate-rat.
"Sammy Baca is definitely a shralper, you couldn't deny that if you tried. Last week, I heard he hopped the fence into some fancy backyard & skated the empty pool while the family was on vacation!"
by Phonkadelic December 9, 2017
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