1 definition by PhoenixTrite

A male, normally ages 13 - 21, who thinks that Viggo Mortensen breaking his toes in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2002 movie adaptation, by Peter Jackson is the greatest thing to happen in the histoy of cinema, and ignores every single aspect of the movies that somewhat goes against or directly contradict JRR Tolkiens writing and storytelling. Some even go so far to insult and undermine Tolkien's son Christopher, who continued editing and publishing his fathers unfinished works for 4 decades, and has expressed extreme disdain for Jackson's movies.

A known breeding ground for Jacksimps is r/LOTRmemes.
Man, people who read the first 3 chapters of Lord of the Rings and stop because the pacing is slower than the movies are real Jacksimps.
by PhoenixTrite September 28, 2020
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