158 definitions by PhoenixGamer34

Someone who nags someone to get the Covid-19 vaccine until they are fully vaccinated.
Man, that stupid SOB is a GD Vaxhole, we should only get it if we feel like it's in our best interest to do so.
by PhoenixGamer34 April 10, 2021
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What "Social Justice Warriors" are and will forever be until the very last one is dead.
Zane: Did you hear about what Carol did?
Evelyn: Yeah, she sent every student in school, including us nudes.
Zane: She's such a cunt.
Evelyn: She really is, I don't understand how she gets enjoyment from doing that shit and neither does anyone else. Well, except for other people that like to do it as well.
by PhoenixGamer34 July 11, 2021
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One of the vulgar ways of saying go fuck yourself, with the others of course being suck my dick and eat my ass, possible some others.
Some man that's an asshole: I fucked your wife last night.
Some man that's not an asshole: Eat my balls.
by PhoenixGamer34 March 28, 2022
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Social Justice is such a disease, why do people like that idiot over there in that corner think it's a good idea?
by PhoenixGamer34 March 31, 2021
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Some guy that is not the god that some imbeciles that are most likely teenage boys make him out to be.
Curtis: Apparently Brock is being portrayed as this god that he never was and never will be just because his friends at school spew that trash everyday when they have the chance.
Vivian: It is absolutely ridiculous as there is not a single person that can do no wrong, nor will there ever be.
Curtis: Reminds me of the stupid claims from Chuck Norris supporters.
Vivian: Exactly
by PhoenixGamer34 September 1, 2021
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A good way to get yourself fired. Well, that is if you do it only to have fun somewhere, such as the beach.
Cesar: Hey, did you hear that Carl did something that was not only really dumb but also completely selfish?
Becky: I did not, what did he exactly do?
Cesar: Well, he decided to call out sick, but only to go have fun somewhere.
Becky: That is so selfish of him, was he allowed to keep his job?
Cesar: No, he got fired.
Becky: Good, idiots like that deserve to get the boot.
by PhoenixGamer34 June 11, 2021
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A Global Conflict that happened because Satan decided to rise from Hell and humanity went so completely out of mind that a World War was forced.
It literally looks like Hell out there, World War 666 must be going on.
by PhoenixGamer34 December 28, 2021
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