2 definitions by Petite Soeur

In a word, genius. Born in Straford-Upon-Avon, England in the 1500s, he wrote plays for Queen Elizabeth. Next to the Bible, his works are the most quoted and alluded to ever. Some of his works include Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Twelth Night, Hamlet, Midsummer's Night Dream, Macbeth, King Lear, and Othello
William Shakespeare is the quintessential English author/playwright
by Petite Soeur May 25, 2005
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A Milli-Vanilli for the next generation, Ashlee Simpson is merely capitalizing on the success of her beautiful, older sister. We know she can't sing, we know she can't act, so why is she still a star? Also, her black hair looks so bad...
by Petite Soeur May 25, 2005
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