2 definitions by Peter1122

When you follow the conversation of two people who are your 'friends' on a social networking site such as facebook whilst not actually participating in the conversation. A digital version of eavesdropping.

NB: Anything you say to people on facebook through the comment system really isn't private.
Jane and Matthew were having a conversation on facebook. Oliver clicked 'See Wall-to-Wall' to read the conversation they'd been having. Oliver is being a lurker!
by Peter1122 December 31, 2010
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A term sterotypically used by the emo group. It is often added to items such as an email adress. Found frequently on Bebo and MySpace and used in MSN names. Pronounced 'Zero Zero' or 'oh oh'.
Bebo name:
Julia May <cowonthemoon00>
Emma Heweson <embog00>

by Peter1122 October 18, 2006
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