1 definition by Person038

Only a very small number of people are born on this day. If you are, we'll you are very special. Those born on this day are usually fierce by nature but soft at heart. They seek justice and independence, always, and I mean always, standing up for others or oneself until they win the case. They hardly ever give up so don't bitch around with them. Also being recognised as the more silent one, they don't live to trust. They are very wary of the people around them. If you are not of type, you would be crashed hard. Those born on this day have a very unique personality which makes them very special because they are very different from others and are born as leaders. Their decision making is one of a kind as their gut feeling is probably one of the strongest of all birthdays. However, these people are introverts and never do share their secrets no matter how much of probing.
by Person038 October 26, 2019
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