1 definition by PeeCee Usin' fool

Sophmoric term used by PC Nerds and IT geeks who feel threatened by the simplicity and sophisticated industrial design of products created by Apple Computer.
The term "Macintrash" itself is a byproduct of the insular lifestyle that the socially inept computer nerd lives; Who never had any real friends to talk with and thus only speaks the kind of adolescent jargon encountered on geeky online bulletin boards.
That Macintrash/crapintosh paperweight is for litle sissy girls. ROLF.LMAO.
Crapple sure makes some whack-ass confusers yo. That icrap is igay dude. ROLF.
DeLl rUleS 4EvuH--miCRosOFt iN Duh hOUsE bRo!!!!: o:)
by PeeCee Usin' fool October 27, 2006
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