18 definitions by Path

The act of downloading internet porn, masturbating to it once, then deleting it due to either paranoia or lack of interest.
"Yeah man, you'll never find any porn on my hard drive, I practice beat and delete."
by Path January 4, 2005
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Acronym for "Itty Bitty Titty Committee". Usually used to describe women (or men) with a lack of flesh mounds.
Latisha is a card-carrying member of the IBTC, I'm suprised she doesn't pay to get some new watermelons.
by Path October 15, 2005
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When someone decides they've had enough of Jamba Juice and their refreshing drinks.
Miguel decided enough was enough, he was either going to shave or break his Jamba Embargo and get something refreshing.
by Path March 20, 2007
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Porn in which a woman in stiletto heels stomps on a man's testicles in an act of sexual gratification.
"Jamie was really into watching bitches with heels stomp out some lifeless corpse in his favorite crush porn."
by Path January 4, 2005
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