4 definitions by Pastey

adj. to change ones personality in able to further ones career, to brown nose, to suck up to management, to not use the word mofo in work emails. see also Blender
Brent kept his job in the restructure by blending better than Riz, Balk and Ange.
by Pastey January 29, 2003
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n. large form of male genetalia, a big penis. opposite of Dagger
Balky unleashed his sabre to the awe of onlookers.
by Pastey February 3, 2003
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n. small form of male genetalia, opposite of Sabre
Ange laughed when she finally saw how small Richards dagger was.
by Pastey February 3, 2003
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N. One who practises the art of blending a suck up, a brown nose to management
Brent is such a Blender!, Ang, Liz and Balk, are crap at blending.
by Pastey January 29, 2003
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