2 definitions by Parkway

Parkway is a hood located in Broward county Florida and is one of the richest hoods in Broward full of go getters. 794 is what they rep.
I’m from the way 794.

Parkway 794


by Parkway October 14, 2020
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Two gay men driving around trying to pretend they are straight by attempting to yell at girls through the window. But rather than actually yelling something useful to pick them up, they yell something ridiculous like "DOHHHH!" and then boyishly giggle about it in the car. Then they go home and have gay sex and grand pappy smash each other.
Dialogue of a Filly Run:

Bobby: Hey Dan... look there's a girl.
Danny: Cool man.
Bobby: Wanna try to talk to her?
Danny: Nahh

Bobby & Danny: (out the window to the female) DOOOOHHHHH!

Danny: Let's go have gay sex.
Bobby: Yeah, definitely. And grand pappy smash each other too!

Bobby & Danny: OH YEAH!
by Parkway July 9, 2006
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