1 definition by Panellipee olacheeta

Very similar to an Arizona Hillbilly, the Arizona Redneck is citizen of Arizona and most AZ Rednecks live in the country, and quite a few dwell in the rural areas outside of Metro Phoenix or Tuscon.
The Arizona Redneck behaves in a more orderly fashion obeying rules and regulations, unlike their counter parts the AZ Hillbilly whom just do what they want , the AZ Rednecks are tough and know how to throw a punch and pull a slot machine, but they still have good morals and for the most part reframe from too much illegal activity, that's why the AZ Rednecks ranks #3 in the POLITE ARIZONA REDNECK ASSOCIATION
We shouldn't be stranded here long, an Arizona Redneck will suddenly appear out of nowhere to assist us.
by Panellipee olacheeta September 7, 2020
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