1 definition by Pandagurl83

The most amazing man I have ever met. Dennis is thoughtful and caring. He will be there for you no matter what or where you are or when you need him. He has a HUGE heart ( not to mention other parts) and he is highly intelligent.

Dennis is extremely attractive and has the most beautiful eyes. He also has the best hair. He exudes sexiness and you can't keep your hands off of him.

He is multi-talented and can do anything from build a car from the ground up or paint your toe nails. He will be your best friend if you show him respect and loyalty. But if you get on his bad side you better watch out because he will roundhouse your ass.

To put it short if you ever meet Dennis you will be in the presence of awesomeness. I know because I am lucky enough to be the one who gets to share that awesome as everyday for the rest of my life. I love you Dennis.
by Pandagurl83 June 17, 2017
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