2 definitions by Palathor

When you have so many people on your IM contact list that there are several whom you do not recognise at all, it is said to be "Terble".
David - "This chick on my Msn started talking to me last night, and I had absolutely no idea who she was!"

Patrick - "That's Terble!"
by Palathor October 5, 2006
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Someone who flirts and acts sexually suggestive to a large number of women all at the same time over the Internet using things such as MySpace and MSN to charm the ladies to fall for him and have them fighting over him. They must be only doing this online to make them an official "E-Whore"
Ryan - "When I go online I get like 5 chicks talking to me as soon as I log in..."

Gunther - "That's because you're such an E-Whore"
by Palathor October 6, 2006
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