21 definitions by Paddy O'Mally

The ability to know if something is "No Homo" or "pro homo" in a sutiation.
"Yo, You heard Stan kissed Dave?
Know homo man."
by Paddy O'Mally March 23, 2009
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That actor that all the ladies love. He Can charm any woman, he can turn lesbians straight, and straigt men gay. His name is impossible to spell. I'm surprised you found this definition. He Plays the same role in every movie : Ladies Man. Except in Reign Of Fire. He was a badass in that movie.
Girl1: matthew mcconaughey Is so sexy!
Guy1: I know!
by Paddy O'Mally June 12, 2008
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the two scariest things ever conceived by man. Zombies, and Clowns.

If a zombie outbreak occured at a circus, you'd be fucked. You'd have to deal with a Zombie Clown. Or Worse; Zombie CLOWNS.
by Paddy O'Mally May 28, 2008
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A Text Based version of the Vulcan Salute from Star Trek, meaning "Live Long, and Prosper."
Person 1: Hey Steve

Steve: Hey man \\//
by Paddy O'Mally May 8, 2009
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the full motion capture system designed for the xbox 360
Xbox Natal. It's going to make everyone who ever bought a wii want to throw it out the window. Wii is like a happymeal compared to Xbo's Natal, which is like a Big Mac. A double bacon big mac to be exact.
by Paddy O'Mally June 1, 2009
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A nickname dubbed on Dragonforce, due to the fact that they can only play their songs semi-decently in the studio and not live.
guy 1:"Hey Man, Did you hear The New drago- I mean, Studioforce album?"
guy2: "Yeah Man, it sounds EXACTLY the same like the last one did, i can't even tell the difference between the two! thats 20 bucks well spent!"
by Paddy O'Mally May 17, 2008
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A Game type of Counter-Strike Source designed to test human ego. This game type must be played on a map with hostages. The object of this type is to negotiate the release of the hostages peacefuly without having anyone get killed. Best played without a HUD with sv_cheats on 1.

Althoguh it sounds like a simple task,human ego always gets in the way. Someone will always try to secretly get the hostages without negotiating the release of them.

The standard way of negotiaton is to have all the terrorists (there should always be more ct's than terrorists) make the ct's drop their guns, search them to make sure they arent hiding any, and move them all into one area. Once there, a leader is nominated from the CT team to retrive the hostages without having anyone getting killed (Acompanyed by the T Team leader). Normaly this would work, but always someone has to screw everyone over by sneaking in a pistol and killing a guard on the ct team.

Simple in Theory, difficult in experiment.

Invented by *Ünhi and AfroThunder in 2005.
by Paddy O'Mally July 19, 2008
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