2 definitions by Pablo Escobar Munoz

People having Marcelo as a name is mostly Latinos!
Marcelo Is also know for having a big penis.
And every people named Marcelo probably is related some way to Pablo Escobar the most famous drug lord!
If you find a Marcelo in real life you should invite him to your house and see what he got bc we know that he has a lot.
Omg Marcelo you have such an humongous Penis
by Pablo Escobar Munoz November 22, 2021
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People having Marcelo as a name is mostly A Latino.
Marcelo is also know for having a big penis! (Probably like 30 inches)
The people named Marcelo is probably related to Pablo Escobar the most famous drug lord in the world!
If you know a Marcelo you should really invite him to your house so he can show you what he got, bc I know he has a lot.
Omg Marcelo you have an so humongous cock
by Pablo Escobar Munoz November 22, 2021
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