2 definitions by PRG27

(n.) A younger person who actively pursues a significantly older person for sexual gratification or romantic purpose. Differentiated from a gold digger by a lack of concern for material wealth or fiscal compensation. From a similar anthropomorphic derivativion as cougar or puma, in this instance the inverse of an older person pursuing a younger person.
That sorority sister went full honey badger for her Professor!
by PRG27 October 25, 2014
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(n.) A younger person who actively pursues a significantly older person for sexual gratification or romantic purpose. Differentiated from a gold digger by a lack of concern for material wealth or fiscal compensation. From a similar anthropomorphic derivativion as cougar or puma, in this instance the inverse of an older person pursuing a younger person.
That sorority sister went full honey badger for her Professor!
by PRG27 October 25, 2014
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