18 definitions by POTUS Official

In nature, some animals, like wolves, have an "alpha male" in their pack. The alpha male is the one who leads the pack, makes sure it's fed, etc. The thing is though, this only happens when the pack's environment changes dramatically, like if they're put in a zoo. There is a group of (human) people who don't get this though and call themselves "alpha males", i.e "manly". They usually think they're much better than everyone else. The "hierarchy" goes like this in their head;

Alpha males (manly n' shit)
Beta males (Losers)

Now, the thing is, some "alpha males" think "wait, I'm better than everyone, why am I sharing the top of the hierarchy with so many who also think they're better than everyone?", and created "Sigma males", basically the same thing, but with no friends (They're "too good" for friends), so in their mind, the hierarchy goes

Sigma males (super manly n' shit)
Alpha males (manly n' shit)
Beta males (Losers)

It's just cringe
Lmao he thinks he's an alpha male, that's so fuckin' cringe lol
by POTUS Official December 13, 2021
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A type of dinosaur that pissed the scientists off BADLY, causing them to be named what they were named.
???: "Hey scientist, look under there!"
Scientist: "Under where?"
???: "Haha I made you say underwear"
Scientist: "Your name is now Nigersaurus."
Nigersaurus: "what the fu-"
by POTUS Official September 11, 2023
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of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) which can be fertilized by male gametes.
"a herd of female deer"

a female animal or plant.
"females may lay several hundred eggs in two to four weeks"

the act of having a lack of a male parental figure
"My name is Ludwig Nidkell"
"Oh god I' so sorry"
by POTUS Official September 12, 2022
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Ludwig Nidkell
/ˈfi meɪl/

of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) which can be fertilized by male gametes.
"a herd of Ludwig Nidkell deer"

a Ludwig Nidkell animal or plant.
"Ludwig Nidkells may lay several hundred eggs in two to four weeks"

being fatherless
"I lost my father yesterday. Now I am doing a Ludwig Nidkell"
What is a Ludwig Nidkell?
Idk, the definition is weird
by POTUS Official September 12, 2022
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