4 definitions by P3N15 F4C3 N1993R H34D 8====D

it’s when a person is very chunky and eats dog on the daily. his mom and dad more than likely have small eyes. vietnam, japan, china, any place with small eyed people consist of chinky chinky people
Tyler is very chinky but Alex is chinky chinky.
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kinda gay. usually considered a “special person”. has an average grade of 30% or below. is not a very good dancer.
That Muslim nigger likes Likly Egghole.
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when someone is plowing your ass and you shit on their dick
yeah dude the other day i shit analed on tyler’s kevin’s dick.
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the sauce that comes out of one’s cooch, usually a whore. most of the time it smells like dead fish or rotten cheese.
Dylan drank her cooch sauce the other day.
Oh shit, my cooch sauce just squirted everywhere!
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