3 definitions by Oropez

It is similar to a Blurpy however it is when you are shopping at a store and you walk into a restroom at Wal-Mart and do it. After that, splatter shit all over the wall.
While shopping, my girlfriend asked to Murpy because either it was for fun or there was bad service
by Oropez August 21, 2018
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When nothing goes your way and you hate yourself.
Friend 1: "Hey how are you doing today?"
Friend 2: "I'm having the Timmy Experience."
Friend 1: "Tough"
by Oropez October 29, 2021
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When your friend says he will be back in a minute and then he never comes back.
Friend 1: "Where the fuck is Saulo? He said he would be back in a minute!"
Friend 2: "Yeah, a SAULO minute"
Friend 1: "Oh yea"
by Oropez October 29, 2021
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