2 definitions by Origami-Tree

Bsff stands for "best suicidal friends forever" it was started by 2 emo friends in high school. It is rarely used yet is good for a friend ship that is always there for each other and understands what the other is going through because they have the same problem
"Those two emo's have to be bsff's, they are always hanging out"
by Origami-Tree February 27, 2017
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Bsff stands for "best suicidal friends forever" it was started by 2 emo friends in high school. It is rarely used yet is good for a friend ship that is always there for each other and understands what the other is going through because they have the same problem.
"Those two emo's have to be bsff's, they are always hanging out"
by Origami-Tree February 27, 2017
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