1 definition by OmgIAmSoAwesomee.

Mahnoor literally means 'moonlight' in Arabic.

Mahnoors' are known for their class and elegance. They are the prettiest and hottest girls in the world, actually, the universe. They are clever, witty and very sensible. Their confidence is what gives them a hint of sexy. They are also known to be very attractive and can make guys fall for them easily. Although they may be a little self-centered at times, they are good friends & are always there to help others. Mahnoors are leaders, and once they set their minds to doing something, they will do it! They are the best thing that can ever happen to you.

Advise: Don't let YOUR Mahnoor go.
Girl 1: How do I look? Perfect, huh?
Girl 2: Stop trying to be Mahnoor, trust me, you're far from that.
by OmgIAmSoAwesomee. January 19, 2011
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