2 definitions by OldEnglish800

The most caring woman you'll ever meet. She's the most beautiful girl you'll ever get to speak to. If you have the luck to even speak of her in her presence you'll have a blessed life. If you get the even less chance to kiss her you'll find eternal happiness within. She is strong spirited and always gets her way. She's always right about everything. It's rumored that Angels flock by thousands just to gawk at her beauty. So if you ever get to meet the elusive Aicha Giussé, just smile and say hello and you'll make one of the best friends of your life.
"Aicha Guissé is truly beautiful." -Angel #1
"She really is!" -Angel #2
"Enh, she's okay." -Angel #3
"How dare you hoe!" -Angel #4
*Angels 1,2, and 4 proceed to jump Angel #3 in Aichia Guissé's defense*
by OldEnglish800 December 22, 2016
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"You're such a Squiebe."

"The Graham's are such Squiebes."
by OldEnglish800 August 9, 2014
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