1 definition by Ol' Jayson

1. Bitumen is black, tar-like substance which will cause a fit of the giggles in Science lessons (depending upon ones mood), as it is pronounces, "bitch-umen".
It is the pronounciation of this oil-waste that lead on from it's original definition, as 'bitumen' can in fact, be the source of many inside jokes aimed at those oblivious to those who lack a sense of humour and thus cannot tell when you have just reffered to them as a 'bitch' via the word 'bitumen'

2. It sounds as though it should be a type of Pokémon
1. Samantha, "You're such a bitumen!"
Lindsay, "Say whaaa'?"

2. Ash, "I choose you, Bitumon!"
by Ol' Jayson August 24, 2010
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