3 definitions by Oibludboiiii

Lily Chadwicks are crazy, they are horrible to their sisters and friends but when they want something they are nice, also most have them have OCD and have a go at their siblings if they don’t do anything, but overall they are ok
Lily Chadwick is ok ish
by Oibludboiiii March 6, 2019
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Lily Chadwicks are crazy, they are horrible to their sisters and friends but when they want something they are nice, also most have them have OCD and have a go at their siblings if they don’t do anything, but overall they are ok
Lily Chadwick is ok ish
by Oibludboiiii March 6, 2019
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Hannah is the biggest slag goin fam ye she will talk to anyone even your nan but she no les only when necessary
Person1: oi blud see that bitch over there ye that’s Hannah choudhry she grafting ten boi ye even my Nan

Person2: whatcha saying fam I was talking to her last week blud
by Oibludboiiii March 5, 2019
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