5 definitions by Octagonal Revolver

An absolutely devastating weapon created by a genius determined to exterminate a being that wishes to end all reality. If you ever obtain a Chainsaw Cannon, caution is advised as people will try to steal your ultimate weapon from you, so your only option is to chainsaw cannon them! Then you may rule over your new domain as a chainsaw cannon monarch.
"Hey, i got myself a chainsaw cannon"
"No way!"
"Yeah, and it's aimed at the United States Military!"
by Octagonal Revolver October 7, 2020
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When you search for your name on Urban Dictionary to see some of the things others have done with your name. Usually, this is for a moral boost. Unfortunately, people who share names associated with bad shit (Such as Karen), often find themselves inadvertently insulted, even if they themselves are perfectly fine as a human being. It’s really a 50/50 coin toss, to be honest.
Felt kinda down today, so I went Name-Scrolling on Uraban Dictionary. Made me feel a bit better.
by Octagonal Revolver June 4, 2021
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A normal hunger that far exceeds anyone else. All consuming. Unyielding. Those who experience HUNGER truly are either those to be feared, or those who should fear for themselves and their sanity before sheer hunger overwhelms their poor mind. You should attempt to satisfy the HUNGER at all costs.
Person 1: Hey man, I haven’t had anything to eat all day. I HUNGER.
Person 2: Oh shit
by Octagonal Revolver October 5, 2021
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1. A particularly nasty piece of work. A real jackass. Someone you’d rather beat with a brick until they stop twitching then interact with. Not a nice chap by any means.

2. A jocular way to compliment your friend. Sly, sneaky, clever. Works with Magnificent Bastard as well
Option 1:
That rat-bastard stole my car!

Option 2:
You rat-bastard! How are you?
by Octagonal Revolver April 2, 2022
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1. A French saying, usually referring to a person, that you particularly despise. Not often seen in common use, and not often easy to slip into a sentence. Generally, a fun but difficult term.

2. The primary antagonist of an Undertale animated series called ‘Glitchtale’ by Camilla Cuevas. (Even less often used)
P1: You know John?
P2: Yeah, that bastards my Bête Noir.
P1: That sounds stupid.
by Octagonal Revolver April 2, 2022
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