4 definitions by OblivPoggers

Eli on a Wednesday is when a short French girl (usually without consent) looks at a tall male's genitals.
"Hey what did you do on Wednesday?" "Oh well it's Wednesday so I went outside and did some Eli on a Wednesday"
by OblivPoggers December 2, 2020
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About to make a sick play/pop off/get the w/win. Inspired by Kanye West after he said "get the west wing ready" when allegedly 17% of the Pennsylvania votes were in his favor in the 2020 presidential election in the USA.
Random guy: "I'm Getting the west wing ready!"
Kanye then goes on to show a screenshot of 17% of the Pennsylvania votes being in his favour during the 2020 presidential election in the USA.
by OblivPoggers January 2, 2021
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Getting the east wing ready is when you're about to take an L/lose/make a loss/do badly. Inspired by The term Getting the west wing ready.
Travis Scott: "OH FUCK! I'm getting the east wing ready!"
Obama: "No get that shit out of here! You gotta have the west wing ready dawg!"
by OblivPoggers January 2, 2021
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A person with many personalities but usually chooses to be loud/toxic. gets emotional easily. Is a hypocrite because they hurt others feelings but gets mad when others hurt their feelings.
Person 1: "you're fat"
person 2: "you're fat"
Person 1: "hey that was mean, say sorry"
person 2: you said the same thing to me, you're such an obliv"
by OblivPoggers January 2, 2021
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