2 definitions by ONE OF THEM

people. They are very strange people who look like chickens. They are very large people with faces like chickens. this is a unique population who is made mostly of arabs. And Chicken people are not good. Not good at all. No siree. Please be advised. Oh no. not good at all.
Child 1: Oh no
child 2: What is it?
by ONE OF THEM August 20, 2003
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1. An agressive, vitriolic, militant person of very low intelligence who tends to resent all persons who disagree with him or appear more intelligent than he is. He is highly hypocritical and tends to accuse others of doing what he himself does.

2. A person with extremely poor grammar and bizarre punctuation who often ends statements in question marks, and questions with full stops. Given to fantastical beliefs and conspiracy theories, such as that all the Greek gods really exist, but are actually extra-terrestrials. Has no understanding of actual science, but claims to be passionate about a vast number of sciences.
1. The cabdriver was a complete sasrobin...he spend the entire time I was in the taxi bitching about how all the bookish hippie geeks who opposed nuking the middle East could go get screwed.

2. That sasrobin accused me of using a fake PhD to impress other people.
by ONE OF THEM February 20, 2005
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