2 definitions by O Goncho

The sound made when firing imaginary bullets from an imaginary gun during an imaginary drive-by shooting. Often when saying this the speaker will extend his thumb and index finger, tilt it towards his 'target' and simulate shooting at them.
"Drive-by! Drive-by! Pla! Pla! Pla, pla, pla, pla, PLA! Pla!"
by O Goncho July 27, 2006
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The sound made when firing imaginary bullets from an imaginary gun during an imaginary drive-by shooting. Often when saying this the speaker will extend his thumb and index finger, tilt it towards his 'target' and simulate shooting at them.
"Drive-by! Drive-by! Pla! Pla! Pla, pla, pla, pla, PLA! Pla!"
by O Goncho July 27, 2006
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