2 definitions by NutBuster8000

Immortal. He is a shapeshifter that was many of the most prominent roles in history. He was Julius Caesar, then ran away after faking his death, and became other people. He was also Genghis Khan, Charles Darwin, Charlemagne, and Mansa Musa. It is believed his current form is Morgan Freeman, but that is unconfirmed.

He is described as "ginsing" around, and you can say he is "such a gins". He is more powerful than Zeus, and is the brother of Jesus
Man, did you hear about the legend of the Ginsburger?
by NutBuster8000 July 29, 2019
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Tell Raina at the Camp Keowa trading post that Lemon Chicken is horrible
by NutBuster8000 July 29, 2019
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