15 definitions by Numerati

The use or misuse of AI to generate free algebra questions, most of which are quasi-plagiarized from social media platforms, where unknowns, variables, or parameters are represented by look-alike logos or trademarked symbols.
On querying ChatGPT to produce a sample of middle-school AI-gebra questions, Mr. Pinocchio was greeted with the following:

1. Solve these equations.
a) đť•Ź = đť•Ź + 1
b) 5 + 4x = 4(x – 2)

2. Find 𝕏 for which (𝕏 + 3)² = 𝕏² + 9.

3. Solve the following:
(i) đť•Ź(2đť•Ź + 3) = 2đť•Ź(đť•Ź + 3)
(ii) (x + 2)² = x² + 4x + 3
by Numerati August 4, 2023
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Quantitative bad deals whereby enslaved workers or employees are being taken advantage of by their bosses or entrepreneurs, who have financial control over their lives, be it five days of work in exchange for a weekend break (5 : 2)—an investment of –60%—or a two-week annual leave (2 : 52), or a 5% savings rate on gross salary for 40 years.
Millions of people around the world are aware of the rogue ratios that force them to live a mediocre life, but only a very percentage of them think they can work for a better ratio to achieve financial freedom.
by Numerati August 17, 2023
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The fuzzy-and-funny logic used by female digital natives (who proudly boast about not being born or blessed with the “math gene”) to rationalize why they are getting a pretty good deal as far as their time, money, and convenience are concerned, compared to those who think or act differently from them.
“Girl math” may debatably be likened to the female equivalent of Yogi-isms or Yogi Berra’s “aphorisms.”
by Numerati October 7, 2023
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The native Japanese mathematics that was developed independently during the Edo period (1603–1868)—when Japan was isolated from the rest of the world, and when math was enjoyed as a pastime by both adults and children, and by folks of all social classes.
Wasan was replaced by its Western counterpart after the start of the Meiji era (1868–1912)—when Japan opened up to the West, and local scholars started adopting Western mathematical techniques.
by Numerati September 12, 2023
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Singapore’s beloved problem-solving aphrodisiac, which can generate and induce mathematical desire in oft-unmotivated or math-anxious students, teachers, and parents—a brain-friendly means to instilling motivation and passion in them to becoming a confident problem solver.
Thanks to the bar model method, millions of homeschoolers outside the “fine” city with the death penalty could testify to the aha! moments they’d experienced time and time again, compared to their peers who’re too shy to experiment with the visualization strategy.
by Numerati August 4, 2023
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The maternal equivalent of “girl math.” When mentally stressed, resourceful, or street-smart mothers share tips on digital platforms like TikTok and Instagram how they plan their hectic schedules around their children’s sleeping or waking hours, or how they stretch their money to meet their little ones’ needs and wants, without experiencing a mental meltdown.
Mom math is applying home calculus to the family life, by maximizing love, joy, and peace (or minimizing fear, pain, and stress) for family members from limited time or resources.
by Numerati October 12, 2023
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When you are mathematically tickled why you have been experiencing an aha! on or about the number π pretty frequently recently—for no logical or valid reasons, it is as if pi seems to be infatuated with you.
Besides coming up with a few sexy proofs on some pi-related theorems, I spotted my birthdate and my cellphone number 31,415 digits apart among the first ten thousand digits in the decimal number pi. Sounds like a sign from on high that makes me wonder: “Does Pi love me?”
by Numerati November 6, 2023
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