1 definition by Notachilango

They are people born and raised in Mexico City. They are very easy to spot. They have an annoying as fuck accent and act like they own the world. Also, they usually think they are superior to other Mexicans, and they think they can easily manipulate you, trick you, and take advantage of you.

BEWARE: If they act nice around you, chances are, they are about to stab you in the back. If other Mexicans stay the fuck away from them, you should too.
Chilango: Wazzup bro, wanna party tonigh'?
Not chilango: You still owe me money, bro.
Chilango: What? I already payed your sister's friend's mom the money. I swear to the virgencita.

Not chilango: YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT!
by Notachilango August 1, 2020
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