1 definition by NotZachWonders

A name given to an overly douchebagish person. Usually he/she will spend the day listening to, and I say loosely, "artists" such as Stephen Jerzak and NeverShoutNever; Hence, thinking he/she is cool. Unknown to him/her, he/she is a social reject. Known to makeout with 2 boys in the same night, several times. Also is known to have a group of friends named "The Wolfpack", all of which are also known to be homosexuals as well. He/She has no life as well. If you know a Shaftmouther, you should usually lynch them as soon as possible.
Billy: Hey, what's that?
Joe: That's a Shaftmouther.

Billy: Oh shit, get the torches, let's burn that motherfucker.
by NotZachWonders March 30, 2010
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