1 definition by NotYourMumzie

Afrika is a seriously cool and chill dude. That's enough compliments though, we wouldn't want to make his ego any bigger. Afrika loves fishing, playing golf(aka losing his balls), surfing, filling awkward silence with nonsense, running and reading books that aren't really books. Due to his attention span being as short as his friends, he's only able to read graphic novels(Shame even Alex Rider books are too much for him). If I knew him, I'd recommend that he looks into more advanced picture books, such as Dr suess. He has big dreams for the future, such as being able to cook anything other than boiled eggs, and becoming a hot, white blonde girl so that he can pass his driver's... But I guess life did him dirty cuz he's BlackAF. The only time he really can't be black is on among us. I would give more information but I don't have access to Afrika's notebook. Some say that notebook is why he's still single.. Well that and his watermelon shorts
Afrika if you could start start a Ted talk what would it be about?
by NotYourMumzie November 25, 2021
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