2 definitions by Not Dakotaz

A corny, boring rivalry that no one cares about. It may seem like an exciting event, until you actually go to a game and Columbus is up 20 points. Belen students always say “this is our year!” every year, but they end up playing straight ass. Columbus’s crowd usually has hotter girls, bigger scarier guys, and no one pays any attention to the game since everyone is busy hooking up. Belen’s side usually has girls that are either already taken, or prude and ugly asf, so nah. That ain’t it.
You out to the Belen vs Columbus game tonight?
Fuck no, that shits wack, i’d rather jerk off my uncle
by Not Dakotaz February 21, 2019
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The phrase used to recognize that Simon has asserted his dominance and has obtained the “sucky sucky ten bucky
Yo, Simon got head? For real?
Yes bro on God I saw him the other day
by Not Dakotaz February 6, 2019
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