2 definitions by NormalPerson556

1. a person who can sneakily throw a log at a supervillain who is monologuing

2. a young boy who recently served horrible Thanksgiving food, and is holding hands with his aggressive critic
1. You sly dog! You got me monologuing! (while laughing) I can't believe it...

2. You're holding my hand, Chuck. You sly dog.
by NormalPerson556 December 5, 2018
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A fine town in Virginia that is being destroyed by the liberal douches of Fairfax County who want to ruin people's lives and make Reston a communist enclave. There are so many new buildings that were ordered by brainless Maoists who have lived in Reston for 0-8 years, and the Reston Station is the worst event in Reston history, tied with them building Reston Town Center. Anybody who disagrees clearly knows nothing about Reston and came from somewhere like DC or California.
Person 1: Hey, you know Reston?
Person 2: Yes, it's becoming shit now.
Moron: The new buildings look nice! The Metro will bring so many opportunities.
Person 1: Shut up you filthy simpleton
Person 2: You know nothing about Reston
Moron: The development is good. I honor figures like Karl Marx, Fairfax County outta pay attention to that fine shit
by NormalPerson556 November 6, 2017
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